Tuesday 13 October 2009

she eats books

‘She eats books’:
For this, I was receiver of the
‘Proud Mum’ look.
Naturally came my
words: a vehicle for my expression,
tender, hesitant at first,
and often was I anxious
that I could only find
the time to write
during bouts of depression.
That creativity was borne
primarily of strife,
an extraordinary life
and experiences beyond the
common wo(man)’s comprehension.
I sought soaring vistas
for star-crossed lovers
and a worth of other experiential
And so at nine,
a thousand times I cried
for a life less ordinary,
to inspire my limited powers of sorcery.
I yearned to express my vision
with words of wisdom.
I remember, begging
to move to some glamourous location
and abandon all direction
home. Be interestingly bohemian
Mum, please?!
Wishing for blood and gore
even times of war – heaven forbid!
To inform my poor scribbles,
my youthful drivel
and rhymes of a life
less ordinary
than this.
I was dramatic, eccentric,
silver Doc Marten’s
weren’t seen as harmless
at Rawson J&I.
For a while I sighed, lost all interest
in anything
let alone my paper and pen.
But I turned back,
found grit and realism
entwined with idealism,
often concocting the most bizarre plots
with little girl lost as heroine.
I’m still doing this
I think. Perhaps one day
I’ll see it in PRINT!!!

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